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Software Design

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Software Design

LogicLab s.r.l. develops software program  for Windows and Linux. The programs allow users to interface with devices  using the most common communication interfaces available in industrial and commercial environment.
The development of applications for personal computers is designed to permit an easy and powerful interface that help and guide the operator in front of LogicLab devices   The programs  allow full control and provide  important tools for analysis and monitoring. The collaboration with  our client is for us an anchor during all development phases  to  provide a solution tailored to the user. The experience of our customers  is for us the starting point to develop LogicLab  products.

 Software Design

© LogicLab s.r.l. -  VAT 13218590159 -  Via della valle 67 - 20841 Carate Brianza (MB)  - Italy - Tel (+39) 0362.805287 - Fax (+39) 0362.1914102 - info@logiclab.it